Recently, I was asked to provide a list of books that I found useful during my missionary career. Honestly, quite often I am asked to recommend books, so I decided to prepare a list of books in various subjects that I have enjoyed or found very useful. Also you will find a description of why it is included in my bibliography and personal library. As well, you will also find a link in order to find that book for yourselves if you so desire. I plan on keeping this list open ended, and come back to it from time to time.
Spent Matches, by Roy Moran. It provides a plan for reaching the multitudes. All I can say is AMEN.
What Jesus Started, by Steve Addison. Let's keep this simple - Get Busy! Do Something!
Letter's to an Apprentice, by Jeremy Taliaferro. Honestly, I have not read this book yet, because it is not yet out in an electronic version that I usually use, and I'm a bit too lazy to download the Kindle App. But with that said, I have read every blog by this author who is also a friend, and I am sure that I know enough about what he has written to include it on my list of must reads.
100 Years from Now, by Steve Murrell. One might think this book is about sustaining a movement of God, but it is more about following Christ correctly, so that in the future what is created is of GOD and not of YOU.
The Ways of the Alongsider, by Bill Mowry. This is not really a book rather guided Bible study. As you might expect the title first caught my attention, but the study was well written so I stayed for the duration.
Spiritual Multiplication in the Real World, by Robert McNabb. This book needs to be read, but the truth is that I struggled keeping my attention.
Megachurch to Multiplication, by Chris Galanos. Chris has become a friend, who I talk with from time to time. He bought into multiplication completely, which is what the IMFC does overseas. He committed his megachurch in Lubbock, Texas to embracing the idea completely. The book is how he initiated and followed through with it in the real world. THIS IS A MUST READ.
Letters to the Church by Francis Chan. This is another MUST READ. I love anything that Francis Chan writes. It may be that I respect him so much, but this book is an amazing eye opener.
Saturate by Jeff Vanderstelt. This is a book about living the life of a Jesus follower.
The Insanity of God, by Nick Ripkin. This is a book of stories of faith from around the world. It is inspiring.
Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert Coleman. This is a the story of the principles that Jesus used in making His disciples.
Tradecraft for the Church on Mission, by Larry McCrary and others. It is concisely written and provides insights on how missionaries reach those outside their own culture.
Ask a Missionary by John McVay. This is a great book for those wanting to understand the missionary mindset.
I Want to Make a Difference by Don Parrott. This I recommend for those who are considering a life overseas on mission.
Global Mission Handbook by Steve Hoke. It's just what it says it is - a guide to crosscultural service.
When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett. I've just started reading this book, but I find myself saying AMEN a whole lot. Sometimes remembering all those times where my own helping hurt.
Wind in the House of Islam by David Garrison. This book describes how the Holy Spirit is moving throughout Islam.
The Rise and Fall of Movements by David Garrison. As you can imagine I like David Garrison. I've met him and hosted him one time as he was touring and training in my country.
Pioneering Movements by Steve Addison. This is a book that builds on What Jesus Started. It identifies what it takes to lead movements.
Contagious Disciple Making by David Watson. This book is about making disciples who make disciples. This is just a practical book. I love it. It oughta be a class in seminary.
Movements that Change the World by Steve Addison. I will never forget the phrase white-hot faith.
Lives Given Not Taken by Jerry Rankin. I won't spoil this book for you. You'll cry. You'll join the battle.
Abba's Child, by Brennan Manning. This is my all-time favorite book. I discovered it during a dark time in my life, and well, I have given out free copies to others who I thought needed it maybe 20 times and have recommended it again maybe another 50 times.
The Ragamuffin Gospel, by Brennan Manning. This is another classic which should be on ANY FOLLOWER of Christ's shelves, and the pages should be worn out.
How to Win the War by David Watson. Strategies for confronting spiritual conflict. This book may be out of print, but you can still find copies I'm sure. It's a great book.
Spiritual Warfare by Jerry Rankin. I sat through Jerry Rankin teaching how to fight spiritual warfare with his book in my hand. Awesome. Awesome.