Thursday, February 1, 2018

No Small Thought this Morning

I was studying along with some anonymous worldwide friends in a Social Media Group to which I belong.   The question was raised by one, why is the cross the symbol of the faith rather than the empty tomb.  The responses were amazing.  Many were well thought out.  People referenced articles that they had read.  A couple of the guys theological explanations were way above my pay grade in being able to understand them.  One of the guys, tongue in cheek said, "The cross looks better on a necklace than a rock with a hole in it."   Well there is that, but as I was reflecting on all the answers I read - especially those that were well thought out, I remembered a professor telling us in class in one simple phrase all that I think we ever need to know about the most powerful symbol of Christianity.  He said, "On the cross grace was given.   In the empty tomb hope was given."    It's not one symbol over the other - its all of it.  The only way to get to the empty tomb is by way of the cross.   We so often believe there are other paths, good works, donations to worthy causes, socio-economic station in life, but there is only one path.   Asking the only Savior to forgive your sins, and knowing that it is Jesus alone who holds securely to your soul, this is the path.   That's my thought.  Have a great day. 

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